Bath time..
Bath time with my sweetheart has been wonderful this year.
As I sat down to write in this blog, that for whatever reason, I had neglected for a whole year, I knew the first thing to share about was "Bath time.."
Our almost daily morning bath times have been a soft spot to my heart. He wakes me up with a steaming cup of coffee sat next to me on my bedside table. I smell the cinnamon aroma almost as soon as I feel his kiss on my check.
I roll over, stretch and then hear him in our bathroom turning on the water in the tub. A couple years ago we remodeled our master bath and added a deep Jacuzzi bath tub. I sorta knew, yet really never knew how important this would come to be in my relationship with him. I look forward to the fragrant bubbles he adds. He sometimes lights a candle, and always gets in before me. The jets turn on and I instantly climb out of bed and head towards this morning ritual.
So, the next part is so deeply private and somewhat difficult to type, let alone share with you here in this blog of mine.
Taking a bath with your sweetheart requires getting naked. Yea, I know. And, yes, this man of mine has been "mine" for almost 40 years now. So, he's seen "it all". He's seen the teenagers we were when we feel in love and courted. (do people still say "courted"?) He's seen the wife that was great with child...three times...and he's been very present in all three labors and delivery's. To say there is no "mystery" between us is an understatement. You understand where I'm going here.
So, I dim the bathroom lights, take off my pajamas and climb into our tub. He scoots back to allow me to sit in with him. I relax back into his chest as his legs are around me. He's like my bath chair. The jets feel amazing, the aroma wonderful. As I sip my hot coffee, I have all these amazing endorphins going on in my mind and body. Life is good. I forget that I've gained weight. I forget that this body is almost 57 years old. I forget that my hair is in a ponytail and I have no makeup on. I feel loved and adored by this man of mine.
He washes my back as we talk about our day. We both bathe... and touch, sometimes we embrace and relax, cuddled while listening to the sound of the water. The jets massage our bodies. We enjoy this private moment of our day. Our talks are sometimes deep and meaningful and sometimes we talk about work and our schedules.
When bath time is officially over, the we stand up and shower off to get ready for our day.
This has become a routine and at the same time a luxury. I will forever be thankful for our bath time.. and the way that he loves me.
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