As we go through life....we will have our ups and downs. Relationships aren't always pretty.
We will have arguments and "not so happy" moments.
Today...when a tense moment happened, I let it go. Sometimes it's best to let them vent.
We are all allowed to be ourselves when around those we love, right. So, you know,
loving someone, means accepting them where their at. Some-days, "where their at" can
be uncomfortable for us. It can be challenging or frustrating. But,
if we love them...then we love them through whatever it
is that is bothering them.
Love and romance happen even on these difficult days. Reaching your hand
over to take theirs can offer a calmness. Looking over and
smiling or maybe a soft wink, so as to's okay...this too shall pass. Offering
a hug when the time is right...or just being with them in silence.
You need to find what it takes to sooth your partner. As the
giver, I am always looking for ways to make them
feel better about their situation. It's not about you, let them
share, give them permission to open up
more often and they will.
Romance doesn't just start and end in the
bedroom. It's the way we treat each other all day long. It's
about respect and acceptance.
May you love them unconditionally. Yes, it is possible.
Open your heart up, you'll be amazed at how
much room you have, to truly love.