Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Power of Touch...

His hand reached out, to ever so softly touch mine.  Gentle at first, then playfully holding my hand in his, caressing my palms.  His touch sent a tingling down my spine to my toes.  I should be used to his touch...to him holding my hand..and yet it still surprises me how good it feels to be touched by him.

We are walking hand in hand..strolling along on the sidewalk...enjoying the beauty of the day. Talking, sharing, laughing and yes, touching.

As our walk ends...we sit outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Sitting very close to each other, i once again am reminded how great it feels to be near him..to be close..to have his leg brush mine as we are enjoying this moment in time.  Our time.

I feel the urge to go inside with him...to seek out privacy of closed doors....I want him to touch me again and again.   Ahhh...and just as equally, I desire to touch him.  To feel his skin on mine. Such power in our touch.  Such passion.  We were designed to be held...to be kissed and yes...to be touched. 

Can you imagine being touched lovingly every day for the rest of your life.


  1. enjoyed that very much, thank-you.

  2. Your welcomed. It feels so good to share...almost as good as it feels to be touched.
