Am I happy? If not, I need to find my happiness. It begins with me. I cannot or should not expect anyone else to "make" me happy. My happiness begins with me and no one else. I am in charge of my own joy. I know, sometimes that's easier said than done. We live in a world where we want those in our lives to make us happy.
Go back to when you were last happiest. What was the key ingredient to that time in your life? What would be your idea of happiness today? What do you delight in? Where does your joy come from?
Find the answers to those questions. Take your time and research your answers. You are worthy of a long life filled with joy. Your inner peace will come and contentment will fill your heart as well.
Once you are living a joy filled life, then you can offer love and happiness to those around you. Then you can find ways to share the passion and romance with the one you love.
It's starts with you first. Become the best you. I'm growing too...I want this to be my best year yet. I want to love more. I want to share more from my heart. I want to see you grow and become all that your meant to be.
Will i ask too much of you? Maybe at times, it may seem so. Will i expect much, it may seem so. Will i challenge you to stretch yourself, it may seem so as well. Will i encourage you to dig deep within your heart to grow and learn.....always.
When i see and read and hear of your happiness and love...i know that I have done my job here on earth. For I truly believe that God created me to bring love and joy to others. To offer sunshine, to encourage growth, and above all to give love.
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